Join the activities

Jesse Kosonen
Air rescuer
Air rescue is started when the authorities contact the duty workers who alert the air rescuers of the nearest air base. We need to get the planes started within two hours from the alert. Flying safe is important. Even though we aim to fly fast, things need to be done with care.
In a search and rescue flight, there are two air searchers, the leader of the operation, and the pilot.
The area to be inspected is flown over systematically so that the entire area is covered. The operation leader verifies that the course if correc..

Soile Lehikoinen
Communications volunteer
I was 14 years old when I joined the activities. I had just taken the search and rescue course when someone asked if I was interested in a communications course. There were tasks available right away, and there was actually a shortage of people.
Anyone can become a communications volunteer. I’m familiar with the devices, myself, but they are not my specialty. You don’t need to be able to build a radio link to Australia with a wire hanger and a television cord. There are various tasks within an emergency operation. The communicati..

Leena Koivistoinen
Emotional support volunteer
Often, we are the first people the person in need of aid meets after an accident or another kind of crisis. We stay by their side until an authority, such as a social worker, arrives.
As an emotional support volunteer, I help the person to overcome the difficult situation so that they can move on in life. The best way of helping is being present by staying calm and just listening – in a way, you ground the person in that moment and make them understand they are safe. Things will become clear with time.
Even though ..

Kristiina Pitkänen
Ground searcher
When I receive the call to search for a missing person, my first thought is if I have all my equipment with me. I always keep my search and rescue backpack ready by the door. In the backpack, I have a torch, a forehead lamp, spare batteries, first aid supplies, a searcher’s vest, a water bottle, and a lunchbox, so that I’m sure I can stay out in the field for a few hours without help.
At the site, we form patrols or a search chain and enter the field in an orderly manner. There are different methods of searching. Usually, we walk..

Pekka Huusko
Maritime rescuer
I was inspired to join the maritime rescue activities when a captain of a rescue ship needed help with the ship’s maintenance. We fixed the ship, and after that, the ship was called to Airisto, where someone had seen a distress flare. I found that interesting, and so I was allowed to join a weekend duty.
That’s how it started for me. Now, I’ve been a captain for over 30 years. During the years, I have also acted as the person responsible for the vessels.
The best part of maritime rescue is helping people. It’s grea..

Petri Jaarto
Oil destructor
As volunteer oil destructors for the WWF, we support the authorities during an oil leakage by cleaning the shores from oil and taking care of the oil-stained animals. The shores to be cleaned vary from rocky islands to green sea or lake coves. For example, we have cleaned vital islets for birds during the nesting season.
Normal health and mobility are sufficient for cleaning the shores. The areas to be cleaned can sometimes a bit difficult. Good stress resistance is good to have, since the work is slow and can take months, at wor..

Juhani Salonsaari
Preparedness duty worker
As a preparedness duty worker, my operation begins when the authorities decide to call Vapepa to assist them. I receive an SMS from the emergency exchange with the phone number of the on-site authorities and background information on the incident. I call the authorities and receive more information on the operation, as well as specifications about the kind of assistance that is needed of Vapepa, and details about the meeting point. After this, I start alerting the emergency teams.
A good preparedness duty worker has keen sensors:..

Aki Valonen
Preparedness trainer
As a preparedness trainer, I organise Vapepa basic courses and search and rescue trainings at various levels. In search and rescue operations, I quickly train volunteers to work in various search and rescue methods. I have also visited hunting clubs, village associations, and first aid groups to tell them about Vapepa and its methods.
As a trainer, I aim to be at the same level with my audience. Even if I teach the same things in each course, it’s good to plan the training so that the audience will feel like they are getting some..

Raisa Kaukonen
Emergency support services volunteer
Often, the emergency support services operations are fires. As emergency support services volunteers, we see to it that the people have food, clothing, the necessary medication, and a roof over their head after the incident. First aid skills are also important so that we can treat minor injuries, when necessary.
Emotional support is always involved in all of this. While I take notes to arrange for assistance, I also hold the person’s hand and listen to how they are feeling.
The emergencies seldom occur during daytime. That..

Tarja Rasimus
Provisions supplier
Provisioning situations are always different from each other, and the provisioning is organised case by case. If it’s a search and rescue case, the beginning of the search has critical importance. Good communication with the leaders is vital so that the supplier knows what to prepare for.
Sometimes, the situation ends quickly, and sometimes the search can last several days. For a supplier, this is a challenge on its own, since the number of searchers and the duration of the search varies.
Organising the provisioning is qui..

John Wedde
Rescue dog handler
When searching for a missing person, the rescue dog and its handler will be given an area to comb through and to search for any people in the area. If there is a person in the area, the dog can catch their scent in the air. Another way is to use a tracker dog to see if anyone has passed through the area.
These days, rescue dogs have several skills and they can work in the country, in populated areas, or in buildings. We don’t yet have scent-identifying dogs. Perhaps in the future, dogs can look for a specific person within a crow..

Marko Laine
Traffic controller
The traffic controller starts working on the authorities’ request. The call is made to me or the other person on duty. We check the situation, how much assistance is needed, and which of our road service workers are the closest and can leave for the site.
The largest detour arrangements can require as many as 5–7 people, but closing a road is usually a one-person job. Typically, traffic control at an accident scene takes 3–5 hours. Usually, we try to switch volunteers every few hours.
For the more demanding operati..

Ari-Pekka Arponen
Vapepa diver
Vapepa diving is underwater searching to support the authorities. What we search for is usually the body of a person, but sometimes we also look for objects – for example, we have searched for money robbed from a bank or for a weapon.
Diving experience and meticulousness are required. In the murky waters of Finland, you can’t always even see what is within arm’s length. If you have an entire lake to go through, the search can take weeks.
In addition to diving, the volunteers are also needed to drive a boat, work th..

Susanna Nurmela
Vapepa leader
As a Vapepa leader, I’m a kind of a valve between the authorities and the volunteers. I receive an operation from the authorities, and then I inform the other volunteers about it. Of course, I also deliver information the other way: from the volunteers to the authorities.
At the leading site, the team of the Vapepa leader include a secretary, a person responsible for communications, and clerks. At the Central Uusimaa area, we often have a deputy leader supporting the Vapepa leader. Together, they create the maps of the search are..